Criteria Reference
Combining Criteria
All of: All of the following criteria are true
Some of: At least one of the following criteria are true
None of: None of the following criteria are true
Aggregate Text
Searchable Text: Any text searchable by Smart Collections
Searchable Metadata: Any metadata searchable by Smart Collections
Searchable IPTC Metadata: Any IPTC metadata searcable by Smart Collections
Searchable EXIF: Any EXIF metadata searchable by Smart Collections
Searchable Plug-in Metadata: Any plug-in metadata searchable by Smart Collections
Collections: Collections containing the photo; doesn't include smart collections
Collection: Collection containing the photo; doesn't include smart collections
Collection Details: Details of the collections and collection sets containing the photo
Name: The collection's name
Path: That full path of collection sets, e.g. set1/set2/.../name
Type: The type of the collection, e.g. Regular, Smart, Book, Print, etc.
Color Label: Color label assigned to the collection
Synced: True if the photo is synced with Lightroom Cloud
Publish Service: The publish service for a published collection, empty for all other types
Remote URL: The remote URL assigned by the publish service to a published collection
Collection Sets: Collection sets containing the photo; doesn't include smart collections
Collection Set: Collection set containing the photo; doesn't include smart collections
Smart Collections: Smart collections containing the photo
Any Filters: Saved Any Filters containing the photo
Published Collections: Published collections containing the photo
Published Collection: Published collection containing the photo
Published Collection Sets: Published collection sets containing the photo
Published Collection Set: Published collection set containing the photo
Published Via Services: Services that published the photo
Service: Service that published the photo in a collection
Synced with Lightroom Cloud: Photo or video is synced with the Lightroom Cloud (All Synced Photographs)
Synced Collections: Collections synced with Lightroom Cloud containing the photo
Synced Collection: Collection synced with Lightroom Cloud containing the photo
Comment Details: Comments and likes from the Lightroom Cloud and publish services
Is Comment: True if a comment, false if a like
Comment: The text of the comment
Likes or Views: Number of likes or views, depending on the publish service
Date/Time: The date/time of the comment or like
Author: The user who commented or liked
From Cloud: True if the comment or like is from the Lightroom Cloud, false if from a publish service
Publish Service: The publish service originating the comment or like
Collection: The published or synced collection where the comment/like occurred
Number of Likes: Total number of likes from the cloud and publish services; may include views from some publish services
Number of Comments: Total number of comments from the cloud and publish services
Comment Texts: The texts of the photo's comments
Text: The text of the comment
Comment Authors: Names of people making comments or likes
Author: Full name of author
Date/Time Last Comment: Date and time of the last cloud or publish-service comment
Date/Time Last Like: Date and time of the last cloud or publish-service like
Date/Time Last Comment or Like: Date and time of the last cloud or publish-service comment or like
Exported: Photo has been exported
Available: Photo is currently accessible (not missing)
Metadata Status: Metadata status of the photo
Pick Flag: Pick flag of the photo
Is Virtual Copy: True if the photo is a virtual copy
Virtual Copies: Number of virtual copies of the photo; 0 if the photo is a virtual copy
Stack Size: Size of the folder stack containing the photo; 0 or 1 if not in a stack
In Stack: True if the photo is in a folder stack
Stack Collapsed: True if the folder stack containing the photo is collapsed
Stack Position: Position of the photo in its folder stack; stack top = 1, other positions >= 2
Collection Stacks: Collection stacks containing the photo
Collection Path: Path of the containing collection, of the form set1/.../setn/name
Position: Position of the photo in the stack; stack top = 1, other positions >= 2
Size: Size of the stack
Collapsed: True if the stack is collapsed
In Collection Stack: True if the photo is in at least one collection stack
Label Color: Color label assigned to the photo
Path: Full file path of the photo
UUID: Persistent unique ID of the photo
Local Identifier: Local identifier of photo, unique only within the current catalog.
Filename: Leaf name of the file, e.g. myFile.jpg
Preserved Filename: Original leaf name of the file, e.g. myFile.jpg
Extension: Extension of the filename, e.g. "jpg" or "nef"
Copy Name: Name of the copy
Folder Name: Name of the folder containing the file (doesn't include containing folders, unlike the smart-collection Folder criterion)
Folder Details: Details of the folders directly and indirectly containing the photo
Name: The folder's name
Path: The file-system path of the folder
Color Label: Color label assigned to the folder
Immediate: True if the folder directly contains the photo
Sidecars: Extensions of sidecars associated with this photo
Extension: Extension of associated sidecar
Associated File Types: Other existing file types associated with the photo, e.g. "xmp"
File Type: Existing file type associated with the photo, e.g. "xmp"
Label Text: User-assigned name of color label
Edit Count: Number of times photo or its metadata has been changed
Has Smart Preview: Photo has a smart preview built
Smart Preview Path: Full file path of the smart preview
Code: Lua code for defining an advanced criterion; see the help
File Size and Format
File Size: Size of the file (bytes), e.g. 1700, 15K, 10.4M
Smart Preview Size: Size of the smart preview (bytes), e.g. 1700, 15K, 10.4M
Megapixels: Megapixels of photo, to nearest tenth (1 megapixel = 1 million)
Cropped Megapixels: Megapixels of cropped photo, to nearest tenth (1 megapixel = 1 million)
Pixels: Total pixels of photo
Cropped Pixels: Total pixels of cropped photo
Cropped Amount: Ratio of the cropped area to the total area ([0..1])
Width: Original width of the photo (pixels)
Height: Original height of the photo (pixels)
Cropped: True if the photo has been cropped in Lightroom
Cropped Width: Cropped width of the photo (pixels)
Cropped Height: Cropped height of the photo (pixels)
Long Edge: Original long edge of the photo (pixels)
Short Edge: Original short edge of the photo (pixels)
Cropped Long Edge: Cropped long edge of the photo (pixels)
Cropped Short Edge: Cropped short edge of the photo (pixels)
Max Available Height: The maximum available height in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been derived by downsizing
Max Available Width: The maximum available width in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been derived by downsizing
Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio of the cropped photo
Uncropped Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio of the uncropped photo
Numeric Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio of the cropped photo (width/height), e.g. 1.33333
Uncropped Numeric Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio of the uncropped photo (width/height), e.g. 1.33333
Standard Crop Ratio: Nearest standard crop ratio of the cropped photo, e.g. 5 x 4, 11 x 8.5, etc.
Uncropped Standard Crop Ratio: Nearest standard crop ratio of the uncropped photo, e.g. 5 x 4, 11 x 8.5, etc.
File Type: Format of the file
Is Proof: Photo is a proof copy
Enhance Type: Type of Enhance applied (slow). Do Save Metadata To File for non-DNGs first.
Denoise Amount: Amount slider for Denoise
Photo Merge Type: Type of Photo Merge (slow). Do Save Metadata To File for non-DNGs first.
Panorama Projection: Projection used for a panorama (slow). Do Save Metadata To File for non-DNGs first.
Is DNG With Fast Load Data: Photo is a DNG with fast-load data
Has Depth: Photo has a depth map
Duration: Duration in seconds if the file is a video
Trimmed Duration: Trimmed duration in seconds if the file is a video
Video Frame Rate: Video frames per second
Video Pixel Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio of a pixels (width/height), e.g. 0.9 (648/720)
Bits Per Channel: Bits per color channel (typically 8 or 16)
Video Alpha Mode: The video alpha mode
Audio Channel Type: The audio channel type
Audio Sample Rate: The audio sample rate
Audio Sample Type: The audio sample type
Source Color Mode: Source color mode of photo
Source Color Profile: Source color profile of the photo, e.g. sRGB
Date/Time Original (Capture): Date and time of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Internal Capture Time: Lightroom's internal representation of capture date/time ("captureTime")
Date/Time Original Year (Capture): Four-digit year of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Original Month (Capture): Two-digit month of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Original Day of Month (Capture): Two-digit day of month of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Original Day of Week (Capture): Day of week of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Original Hour (Capture): Two-digit hour of day of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Original Minute (Capture): Two-digit minute of hour of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Original Second (Capture): Two-digit second of minute of capture (EXIF:DateTimeOriginal)
Date/Time Digitized: Date and time of scanning
Date/Time Imported: Date and time photo was first imported into the catalog
Date/Time First Develop Edit: Date and time photo was first edited in Develop
Date/Time Last Develop Edit: Date and time photo was last edited in Develop
Date/Time Last Exported: Date and time photo was last exported
Date/Time Last Published: Date and time photo was last published
Date/Time Last Printed: Date and time photo was last printed
IPTC Date Created: IPTC Date Created, which can be different from Date Time Original
Date/Time: Date and time of last modification by photo software (EXIF:DateTime)
Last Edit Time: Date and time of the last edit to the photo
Metadata Date: Date and time of the last change to the photo's metadata
Video Release Date: Date and time the video was released
Video Shot Date: Date and time the video was shot
Video Shot Day: The day in a multi-day shoot, e.g. "Day 2" or "Friday"
File Date Created: Date and time when the photo's file was created (different than when the shutter was pressed
File Date Modified: Date and time when the photo's file was last modified (different than when the shutter was pressed
Rating: User rating of the file (number of stars)
Keywords: Keywords assigned to the photo, including synonyms and implicit ancestors
Keyword: Keyword assigned to the photo (includes synonyms and implicit ancestor keywords)
Include on Export: Keyword is marked for Include on Export
Person: Keyword is marked Person
Explicit Keywords: Keywords assigned to the photo, excluding synonyms and implicit ancestors
Keyword: Keyword assigned to the photo (excludes synonyms and implicit ancestor keywords)
Include on Export: Keyword is marked for Include on Export
Person: Keyword is marked Person
Faces: Faces identified in the photo by face recognition or manually
Name: Confirmed or suggested name set for the face or empty if none
Confirmed: Name has been confirmed by user
X: X coordinate in [0..1] of center of rectangle ([0,0] is upper-left)
Y: Y coordinate in [0..1] of center of rectangle ([0,0] is upper-left)
Width: Width of rectangle in [0..1]
Height: Height of rectangle in [0..1]
Area: Area of rectangle in [0..1] (Width x Height)
Inside Crop: Face is in the cropped area
Number of Faces: Number of face rectangles
Largest Face Area: Area of the largest face rectangle (in [0..1])
Title: Title of the photo
Caption: Caption of the photo
User Comment: User Comment of the photo
Alt Text: IPTC Alt Text (Accessibility)
Extended Description: IPTC Extended Description (Accessibility)
Headline: Brief, publishable synopsis or summary of the contents of the image
IPTC Subject Code: Values from the IPTC Subject NewsCode Controlled Vocabulary (see:
Description Writer: name of the person who wrote, edited or corrected the description of the image
IPTC Category: Deprecated field; included for transferring legacy metadata
IPTC Other Categories: Deprecated field; included for transferring legacy metadata
Intellectual Genre: Describes the nature of the image in terms of its intellectual or journalistic characteristics, such as daybook, or feature (examples at:
IPTC Scene Code: Values from the IPTC Scene NewsCodes Controlled Vocabulary (see:
Job Identifier: Number or identifier needed for workflow control or tracking
Name Of Organization Shown: Name of the organization or company featured in the image
Code Of Organization Shown: Code from a controlled vocabulary for identifying the organization or company featured in the image
Event: Names or describes the specific event at which the photo was taken
Art Works Shown: Artworks or objects shown in the image
Copyright Notice: Copyright notice of the artwork or object
Creator: Creator of the art work or object
Date Created: Date the artwork or object was created
Source: Organization or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image for inventory purposes
Source Inventory Number: Inventory number of the artwork or object in the image
Title: Title of the artwork or object in the image
Person Shown: Name of a person shown in the image
Source Type: The type of the source of this digital image
Video Album: Video album
Video Alternate Tape Name: Video alternate tape name
Video Client: The job's client
Video Comment: Users' comments
Video Artist: Name of the artist or artists
Video Scene: Name of the scene
Video Genre: Name of the genre
Video Good: Whether the shot is a keeper
Video Instrument: The musical instrument
Video Log Comment: Users' log comments
Video Project Name: Name of the project of which this file is a part
Video Shot Name: Name of the shot or take
Video Speaker Placement: Speaker angles from center front in degrees, e.g. 'Left = -30, Right = 30'
Track Number: Ordering of the audio file within its original recording
ExifTool Field: Any field that can be read by ExifTool
Has GPS Data: Photo has GPS metadata (longitude/latitude)
Distance From: Distance in kilometers from a given location
Latitude: Latitude of the photo's GPS location (degrees), e.g. -37.9362
Longitude: Longitude of the photo's GPS location (degrees), e.g. -24.3751
Altitude: Altitude in meters of the photo's GPS location
Image Direction: Direction of the image when it is captured
Saved Locations: Saved locations containing the photo, e.g. 'My Locations / San Francisco'
SavedLocation: Saved Location containing the photo, e.g. 'My Locations / San Francisco'
Location Is Private: IPTC location metadata will be removed when the photo is exported
Sublocation: Details about a location shown in the image
City: Name of the city shown in the image
State/Province: Name of the state or province shown in the image
Country: Name of the country shown in the image
ISO Country Code: 2 or 3 letter ISO 3166 Country Code of the country shown in the image
Locations Created: Where the photo was taken
Sublocation: Sublocation of the location
City: City of the location
Country Code: Country code of the location
Country: Country of the location
Province/State: Province or state of the location
World Region: World region of the location
Locations Shown: The location shown in this image
Sublocation: Sublocation of the location
City: City of the location
Country Code: Country code of the location
Country: Country of the location
Province/State: Province or state of the location
World Region: World region of the location
Video Shot Location: Name of the location where the video was shot
Camera and Exposure
Camera Make: Camera manufacturer
Camera Model: Camera model
Camera Serial Number: Camera serial number
Shutter Speed: Shutter speed (seconds), e.g. 1/60, 0.016666
Aperture: Aperture, e.g. 2.8, 5.6
ISO Speed Rating: ISO speed rating, e.g. 200
Exposure Value: Computed from shutter, aperture, and ISO (see Wikipedia), e.g. 11.5
Effective Exposure Value: Exposure Value adjusted by the Develop exposure setting, e.g. 10.5
Exposure Bias: The exposure bias/compensation, e.g. -0.666666
Flash State: Whether the flash fired
Focal Length: Focal length of the lens as shot (millimeters), e.g. 132
Focal length 35mm: 35mm equivalent of focal length of the lens as shot (millimeters), e.g. 50
Brightness Value: Brightness value
Exposure Program: Exposure program, e.g. 'Aperture priority'
Metering Mode: Metering mode, e.g. 'Pattern'
Lens: Lens, e.g. '28.0-135.0 mm'
Subject Distance: Subject distance in meters
Video Camera Angle: Video camera angle
Video Camera Model: Video camera make and model
Video Camera Move: Video camera movement during the shot
Video Tape Name: Name of the tape from which the clip was captured, as set during the capture process
Develop (a-e)
Has Adjustments: Photo has develop adjustments, not including cropping
Has Edits: Photo has develop adjustments or cropping
Develop Preset: Whether a Develop preset applied to photo is default, custom, or specified
Treatment: Grayscale or color
History Steps: The steps in the Develop History panel
Type: Type of the history step
Description: Description of the history step in the History panel
Date/Time: Date/time of the history step (this could be very slow)
Relative Value: Numeric increase or decrease of a setting's value
Value: New value of the setting or a parameter of the setting
Earliest: Position of the step, 1 = earliest step
Latest: Position of the step, 1 = latest step
Adjustment Brush: Photo has adjustment brush applied (version 10 and earlier)
Adjustment Brush Strokes: Details of Adjustment Brush strokes (version 10 and earlier)
Blacks 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Brightness: Brush stroke parameter
Center Weight: Brush stroke parameter
Clarity: Brush stroke parameter
Clarity 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Color Amount: Brush stroke parameter
Contrast: Brush stroke parameter
Contrast 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Correction Active: Brush stroke parameter
Correction Amount: Brush stroke parameter
Correction Reference X: Brush stroke parameter
Correction Reference Y: Brush stroke parameter
Defringe: Brush stroke parameter
Dehaze: Brush stroke parameter
Depth Feather: Brush stroke parameter
Depth Max: Brush stroke parameter
Depth Min: Brush stroke parameter
Exposure: Brush stroke parameter
Exposure 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Flow: Brush stroke parameter
Height: Height of the brush stroke ([0..1])
Highlights 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Hue: Brush stroke parameter
Luminance Feather: Brush stroke parameter
Luminance Max: Brush stroke parameter
Luminance Min: Brush stroke parameter
Luminance Noise: Brush stroke parameter
Mask Value: Brush stroke parameter
Moire: Brush stroke parameter
Number of Dabs: Brush stroke parameter
Radius: Brush stroke parameter
Saturation: Brush stroke parameter
Shadows 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Sharpness: Brush stroke parameter
Temperature: Brush stroke parameter
Texture: Brush stroke parameter
Tint: Brush stroke parameter
Toning Hue: Brush stroke parameter
Toning Saturation: Brush stroke parameter
Type: Brush stroke parameter
Version: Brush stroke parameter
What: Brush stroke parameter
Whites 2012: Brush stroke parameter
Width: Width of the brush stroke ([0..1])
X: X coordinate [0..1] of the center of the brush stroke
Y: Y coordinate [0..1] of the center of the brush stroke
Auto Brightness: Develop setting
Auto Contrast: Develop setting
Auto Exposure: Develop setting
Auto Lateral CA: Develop setting
Auto Shadows: Develop setting
Auto White Version: Develop setting
Blacks 2012: Develop setting
Blue Hue: Develop setting
Blue Saturation: Develop setting
Blue Tone Curve Point Adjustments 2012: Photo has point-based tone-curve adjustments
Blue Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Photo has extended point-based tone-curve adjustments
Brightness: Develop setting
Camera Profile: Base Digital Negative Camera Profile (DCP), e.g. Adobe Standard or Camera Standard
Chromatic Aberration B: Develop setting
Chromatic Aberration R: Develop setting
Clarity: Develop setting
Clarity 2012: Develop setting
Color Grade Blending: Develop setting
Color Grade Global Hue: Develop setting
Color Grade Global Lum: Develop setting
Color Grade Global Sat: Develop setting
Color GradeHighlight Lum: Develop setting
Color Grade Midtone Hue: Develop setting
Color Grade Midtone Lum: Develop setting
Color Grade Midtone Sat: Develop setting
Color Grade Shadow Lum: Develop setting
Color Noise Reduction: Develop setting
Color Noise Reduction Detail: Develop setting
Color Noise Reduction Smoothness: Develop setting
Contrast: Develop setting
Contrast 2012: Develop setting
Convert To Grayscale: Develop setting
Crop Angle: Develop setting
Crop Bottom: Develop setting
Crop Constrain Aspect Ratio: Develop setting
Crop Constrain To Warp: Develop setting
Crop Left: Develop setting
Crop Right: Develop setting
Crop Top: Develop setting
Defringe: Develop setting
Defringe Green Amount: Develop setting
Defringe Green Hue Hi: Develop setting
Defringe Green Hue Lo: Develop setting
Defringe Purple Amount: Develop setting
Defringe Purple Hue Hi: Develop setting
Defringe Purple Hue Lo: Develop setting
Dehaze: Develop setting
Enable Calibration: Develop setting
Enable Circular Gradient Based Corrections: Develop setting (version 10 and earlier)
Enable Color Adjustments: Develop setting
Enable Detail: Develop setting
Enable Effects: Develop setting
Enable Gradient Based Corrections: Develop setting (version 10 and earlier)
Enable Grayscale Mix: Develop setting
Enable Lens Corrections: Develop setting
Enable Masks: Develop setting
Enable Paint Based Corrections: Develop setting (version 10 and earlier)
Enable Red Eye: Develop setting
Enable Retouch: Develop setting
Enable Split Toning: Develop setting
Enable Tone Curve: Develop setting
Enable Transform: Develop setting
Exposure: Develop setting
Exposure 2012: Develop setting
Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Photo has extended point-based tone-curve adjustments
Develop (f-h)
Fill Light: Develop setting
Gradient Filter: Photo has a gradient filter applied (version 10 and earlier)
Gradient Filter Corrections: Details of Gradient Filter corrections (version 10 and earlier)
Angle: Direction of gradient (full to zero), 0 = right, 90 = up, 180 = left, 270 = down
Blacks 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Brightness: Gradient filter parameter
Clarity: Gradient filter parameter
Clarity 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Color Amount: Gradient filter parameter
Contrast: Gradient filter parameter
Contrast 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Correction Active: Gradient filter parameter
Correction Amount: Gradient filter parameter
Correction Reference X: Gradient filter parameter
Correction Reference Y: Gradient filter parameter
Defringe: Gradient filter parameter
Dehaze: Gradient filter parameter
Depth Feather: Gradient filter parameter
Depth Max: Gradient filter parameter
Depth Min: Gradient filter parameter
Exposure: Gradient filter parameter
Exposure 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Full X: Gradient filter parameter
Full Y: Gradient filter parameter
Highlights 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Hue: Gradient filter parameter
Luminance Feather: Gradient filter parameter
Luminance Noise: Gradient filter parameter
Luminance Max: Gradient filter parameter
Luminance Min: Gradient filter parameter
Mask Value: Gradient filter parameter
Moire: Gradient filter parameter
Saturation: Gradient filter parameter
Shadows 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Sharpness: Gradient filter parameter
Temperature: Gradient filter parameter
Texture: Gradient filter parameter
Tint: Gradient filter parameter
Toning Hue: Gradient filter parameter
Toning Saturation: Gradient filter parameter
Type: Gradient filter parameter
Version: Gradient filter parameter
What: Gradient filter parameter
Whites 2012: Gradient filter parameter
Zero X: Gradient filter parameter
Zero Y: Gradient filter parameter
Grain Amount: Develop setting
Grain Frequency: Develop setting
Grain Size: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Aqua: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Blue: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Green: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Magenta: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Orange: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Purple: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Red: Develop setting
Gray Mixer Yellow: Develop setting
Green Hue: Develop setting
Green Saturation: Develop setting
Green Tone Curve Point Adjustments 2012: Photo has point-based tone-curve adjustments
Green Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Photo has extended point-based tone-curve adjustments
Has AI Remove: True if the Remove mode of the Remove tool has been applied
Has AI Masking: True if there are AI masks applied (e.g. Subject or Sky)
Has Remove: True if any of the modes (Clone, Heal, Remove) of the Remove tool have been applied
Has Masking: True if there are masks applied
Has Snapshots: True if the photo has snapshots
HDR Edit Mode: Develop setting
HDR Limit: Develop setting
Highlight Recovery: Develop setting
Highlights 2012: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Aqua: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Blue: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Green: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Magenta: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Orange: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Purple: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Red: Develop setting
Hue Adjustment Yellow: Develop setting
Develop (i-p)
Incremental Temperature: Develop setting
Incremental Tint: Develop setting
Lens Blur Active: True if Lens Blur has been applied
Lens Blur Amount: Develop setting
Lens Blur Bokeh Aspect: Develop setting
Lens Blur Bokeh Rotation: Develop setting
Lens Blur Bokeh Shape: Develop setting
Lens Blur Bokeh Shape Detail: Develop setting
Lens Blur Cat Eye Amount: Develop setting
Lens Blur Cat Eye Scale: Develop setting
Lens Blur Focal Range Start: Develop setting
Lens Blur Focal Range End: Develop setting
Lens Blur Highlights Boost: Develop setting
Lens Blur Highlights Threshold: Develop setting
Lens Blur Sampled: True if focal range has been set manually
Lens Blur Sampled Range Start: Develop setting
Lens Blur Sampled Range End: Develop setting
Lens Blur Spherical Aberration: Develop setting
Lens Blur Subject Range Start: Develop setting
Lens Blur Subject Range End: Develop setting
Lens Blur Version: Develop setting
Lens Manual Distortion Amount: Develop setting
Lens Profile Chromatic Aberration Scale: Develop setting
Lens Profile Distortion Scale: Develop setting
Lens Profile Enable: Develop setting
Lens Profile Filename: Develop setting
Lens Profile is Embedded: True if lens profile is embedded and can be disabled
Lens Profile Name: Develop setting
Lens Profile Setup: Develop setting
Lens Profile Vignetting Scale: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Aqua: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Blue: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Green: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Magenta: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Orange: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Purple: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Red: Develop setting
Luminance Adjustment Yellow: Develop setting
Luminance Noise Reduction Contrast: Develop setting
Luminance Noise Reduction Detail: Develop setting
Luminance Smoothing: Develop setting
Mask Components: Details of mask components (brush, linear gradient, radial gradient, etc.)
Active: Component setting
Angle: Angle of linear and radial gradients
Blend Mode: Component setting
Color Amount: Color range parameter
Error Reason: AI mask setting
Flipped: Radial gradient parameter
Full X: Linear gradient parameter
Full Y: Linear gradient parameter
Height: Radial gradient parameter
Input Digest: AI mask setting
Inverted: Component setting
Left: Radial gradient parameter
Mask Digest: AI mask setting
Mask ID: Component setting
Mask Sync ID: Component setting
Midpoint: Radial gradient parameter
Minimum Radius: The minimum radius of brush strokes
Maximum Radius: The maximum radius of brush strokes
Name: Component setting
Number of Dabs: Total number of dabs in brush strokes
Number of Brush Strokes: Number of brush strokes
Reference X: Subject/Sky/Background/Object/Person parameter
Reference Y: Subject/Sky/Background/Object/Person parameter
Right: Radial gradient parameter
Roundness: Radial gradient parameter
Top: Radial gradient parameter
Type: Component setting
Value: Component setting
Version: Component parameter
Width: Width of linear or radial gradient
X: X coordinate [0..1] of the center of the brush strokes
Y: Y coordinate [0..1] of the center of the brush strokes
Zero X: Brush stroke parameter
Zero Y: Brush stroke parameter
Masks: Details of Masks
Active: Mask setting
Amount: Mask setting
Blacks 2012: Mask setting
Blue Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Blue Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Brightness: Mask setting
Clarity 2012: Mask setting
Clarity: Mask setting
Components: Number of components of the mask (brushes, linear gradients, etc.)
Contrast 2012: Mask setting
Contrast: Mask setting
Correction ID: Mask setting
Correction Sync ID: Mask setting
Defringe: Mask setting
Dehaze: Mask setting
Exposure 2012: Mask setting
Exposure: Mask setting
Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Grain Amount: Mask setting
Green Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Green Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Has Point Colors: Mask Setting
Highlights 2012: Mask setting
Hue: Mask setting
Luminance Noise: Mask setting
Moire: Mask setting
Name: Mask setting
Red Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Red Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Reference X: Mask setting
Reference Y: Mask setting
Refine Saturation: Develop setting
Saturation: Mask setting
Shadows 2012: Mask setting
Sharpness: Mask setting
Temperature: Mask setting
Texture: Mask setting
Tint: Mask setting
Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Mask Setting
Toning Hue: Mask setting
Toning Saturation: Mask setting
What: Mask setting
Whites 2012: Mask setting
Mask Point Colors: Point Colors develop setting
Hue: Source point's hue
Saturation: Source point's saturation
Luminance: Source point's luminance
Hue Shift: Point Color setting
Saturation Shift: Point Color setting
Luminance Shift: Point Color setting
Range: Point Color setting
Hue Range Lower None: Point Color setting
Hue Range Lower Full: Point Color setting
Hue Range Upper Full: Point Color setting
Hue Range Upper None: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Lower None: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Lower Full: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Upper Full: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Upper None: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Lower None: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Lower Full: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Upper Full: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Upper None: Point Color setting
Post Crop Vignette Amount: Local Point Colors in all masks
Number of Masks: Number of masks
Orientation: Develop setting
Parametric Darks: Develop setting
Parametric Highlight Split: Develop setting
Parametric Highlights: Develop setting
Parametric Lights: Develop setting
Parametric Midtone Split: Develop setting
Parametric Shadow Split: Develop setting
Parametric Shadows: Develop setting
Perspective Aspect: Develop setting
Perspective Horizontal: Develop setting
Perspective Rotate: Develop setting
Perspective Scale: Develop setting
Perspective Upright: Develop setting
Perspective Vertical: Develop setting
Perspective X: Develop setting
Perspective Y: Develop setting
Point Colors: Point Colors develop setting
Hue: Source point's hue
Saturation: Source point's saturation
Luminance: Source point's luminance
Hue Shift: Point Color setting
Saturation Shift: Point Color setting
Luminance Shift: Point Color setting
Range: Point Color setting
Hue Range Lower None: Point Color setting
Hue Range Lower Full: Point Color setting
Hue Range Upper Full: Point Color setting
Hue Range Upper None: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Lower None: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Lower Full: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Upper Full: Point Color setting
Saturation Range Upper None: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Lower None: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Lower Full: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Upper Full: Point Color setting
Luminance Range Upper None: Point Color setting
Post Crop Vignette Amount: Global Point Colors
Post Crop Vignette Feather: Develop setting
Post Crop Vignette Highlight Contrast: Develop setting
Post Crop Vignette Midpoint: Develop setting
Post Crop Vignette Roundness: Develop setting
Post Crop Vignette Style: Develop setting
Presets: Presets applied to the photo, as shown in the History panel
Preset: Preset applied to photo
Process Version: Develop setting
Profile: Profile shown in Develop, e.g. Adobe Color or Adobe Monochrome
Develop (q-z)
Radial Filter: Photo has a radial filter applied (version 10 and earlier)
Radial Filter Corrections: Details of Radial Filter corrections (version 10 and earlier)
Angle: Radial filter parameter
Blacks 2012: Radial filter parameter
Bottom: Radial filter parameter
Brightness: Radial filter parameter
Clarity 2012: Radial filter parameter
Clarity: Radial filter parameter
Color Amount: Radial filter parameter
Contrast 2012: Radial filter parameter
Contrast: Radial filter parameter
Correction Active: Radial filter parameter
Correction Amount: Radial filter parameter
Correction Reference X: Radial filter parameter
Correction Reference Y: Radial filter parameter
Defringe: Radial filter parameter
Dehaze: Radial filter parameter
Depth Feather: Radial filter parameter
Depth Max: Radial filter parameter
Depth Min: Radial filter parameter
Exposure 2012: Radial filter parameter
Exposure: Radial filter parameter
Feather: Radial filter parameter
Flipped: Radial filter parameter
Height: Radial filter parameter
Highlights 2012: Radial filter parameter
Hue: Radial filter parameter
Left: Radial filter parameter
Luminance Feather: Radial filter parameter
Luminance Max: Radial filter parameter
Luminance Min: Radial filter parameter
Luminance Noise: Radial filter parameter
Mask Value: Radial filter parameter
Midpoint: Radial filter parameter
Moire: Radial filter parameter
Right: Radial filter parameter
Roundness: Radial filter parameter
Saturation: Radial filter parameter
Shadows 2012: Radial filter parameter
Sharpness: Radial filter parameter
Temperature: Radial filter parameter
Texture: Radial filter parameter
Tint: Radial filter parameter
Toning Hue: Radial filter parameter
Toning Saturation: Radial filter parameter
Top: Radial filter parameter
Type: Radial filter parameter
Version: Radial filter parameter
What: Radial filter parameter
Width: Radial filter parameter
Whites 2012: Radial filter parameter
Red Eye Correction: Photo has red-eye correction applied
Red Eye Corrections: Details of Red Eye corrections
Adaptive Pupil Color: Red Eye correction parameter
Gamma Encode Correction: Red Eye correction parameter
Height: Red Eye correction parameter
Highlight X: Red Eye correction parameter
Highlight Y: Red Eye correction parameter
Density: Red Eye correction parameter
Alpha: Red Eye correction parameter
Center X: Red Eye correction parameter
Center Y: Red Eye correction parameter
Red Bias: Red Eye correction parameter
Strength: Red Eye correction parameter
Pupil Darken Amount: Red Eye correction parameter
Pupil Size: Red Eye correction parameter
Show Pet Eye Highlight: Red Eye correction parameter
Width: Red Eye correction parameter
Red Hue: Develop setting
Red Saturation: Develop setting
Red Tone Curve Point Adjustments 2012: Photo has point-based tone-curve adjustments
Red Extended Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Photo has extended point-based tone-curve adjustments
Refine Saturation: Develop setting
Remove Chromatic Aberration: True if chromatic-aberration removal is enabled
Saturation: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Aqua: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Blue: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Green: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Magenta: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Orange: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Purple: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Red: Develop setting
Saturation Adjustment Yellow: Develop setting
SDR Brightness: Develop setting
SDR Clarity: Develop setting
SDR Contrast: Develop setting
SDR Highlight Saturation: Develop setting
SDR Highlights: Develop setting
SDR Shadows: Develop setting
SDR Whites: Develop setting
Shadow Tint: Develop setting
Shadows: Develop setting
Shadows 2012: Develop setting
Sharpen Detail: Develop setting
Sharpen Edge Masking: Develop setting
Sharpen Radius: Develop setting
Sharpness: Develop setting
Snapshots: Develop snapshots of photo
Snapshot: Name of develop snapshot
Split Toning Balance: Develop setting
Split Toning Highlight Hue: Develop setting
Split Toning Highlight Saturation: Develop setting
Split Toning Shadow Hue: Develop setting
Split Toning Shadow Saturation: Develop setting
Removes: Details of the applications of the Remove tool
Explicit Source: True if the source for a clone or heal was explicitly chosen instead of computed automatically
Feather: Brush stroke feather amount
Generative AI: True if Generative AI option chosen
Generative AI Model Version: Internal version string of the Generative AI model used
Heal Version: Version of clone/heal
Height: Height of the area stroked ([0..1])
Method: Brush stroke parameter
Number of Adds: Number of strokes that are Adds
Number of Dabs: Number of dabs in all the strokes
Number of Strokes: Number of strokes
Number of Subtracts: Number of strokes that are Subtracts
Number of Variations: Number of Generative AI variations
Object Aware: True if Generative AI option chosen
Opacity: Brush stroke parameter
pm_patch: Brush stroke parameter: empty if the Content Aware healing needs updating
Radius: Brush stroke parameter
Seed: Brush stroke parameter
Source State: Brush stroke parameter
Source X: X coordinate [0..1] of the clone/heal source
Source Y: Y coordinate [0..1] of the clone/heal source
Type: Type of the remove (Remove, Heal, or Clone)
Variation: The index of the chosen Generative AI variation
Width: Width of the area stroked ([0..1])
X: X coordinate [0..1] of the center of the area stroked
Y: Y coordinate [0..1] of the center of the area stroked
Temperature: Develop setting
Texture: Develop setting
Tint: Develop setting
Tone Curve Point Adjustments: Photo has point-based tone-curve adjustments
Tone Curve Point Adjustments 2012: Photo has point-based tone-curve adjustments
Tone Curve Name: Develop setting
Tone Curve Name 2012: Develop setting
Trim End: Trim end point, in seconds
Trim Start: Trim start point, in seconds
Upright Center Mode: Develop setting
Upright Center Norm X: Develop setting
Upright Center Norm Y: Develop setting
Upright Focal Length 35mm: Develop setting
Upright Focal Mode: Develop setting
Upright Four Segments Count: Develop setting
Upright Preview: Develop setting
Upright Transform Count: Develop setting
Upright Version: Develop setting
Vibrance: Develop setting
Vignette Amount: Develop setting
Vignette Midpoint: Develop setting
White Balance: Develop setting
Whites 2012: Develop setting
Artist: Artist's name
Software: Software used to process or create the photo
Creator: Name of the person who created the image
Creator Job Title: Job title of the person who created the image
Creator Address: Address of the person who created the image
Creator City: The city of the person who created the image
Creator State/Province: The state or province of the person who created the image
Creator Postal Code: The postal code of the person who created the image
Creator Country: The country of the person who created the image
Creator Phone: The phone number of the person who created the image
Creator Email: The email address of the person who created the image
Creator URL: The web URL of the person who created the image
Image Creators: Creator(s) of the image
Name: Name of image creator
ID: PLUS-ID identifying image creator
Video Composer: The composer's name
Video Director: Director of the scene
Video Director of Photography: Director of photography of the scene
Video Engineer: The engineer's name
Rights and Releases
Copyright: Copyright text for the image
Copyright Status: True if the photo has been copyrighted
Copyright Info URL: Web URL for copyright information
Copyright Owners: Owner(s) of the copyright of the image
Name: Name of copyright owner
ID: PLUS-ID identifying the copyright owner
Rights Usage Terms: Instructions on how the image can legally be used
Instructions: Information about embargoes, or other restrictions not covered by the Rights Usage field
Provider: Name of person who should be credited when the image is published
Source: Original owner of the copyright of the image
Additional Model Info: Information about the ethnicity and other facets of model(s) in a model-released image
Model Age: Age of human model(s) at the time the image was taken in a model released image
Minor Model Age: Age of the youngest model pictured in the image, at the time that the image was made
Model Release Status: Summarizes the availability and scope of model releases authorizing usage of the likenesses of persons appearing in the photo
Model Release ID: PLUS-ID identifying each Model Release
Property Release ID: PLUS-ID identifying each Property Release
Property Release Status: Summarizes the availability and scope of property releases authorizing usage of the likenesses of persons appearing in the image
Licensors: Person or company that should be contacted to obtain a license for using the photo
Name: Name of licensor
Address: Street address of licensor
Extended Address: Additional licensor mailing address details (suite, apartment, etc.)
City: City of licensor
State/Province: State/province of licensor
Postal Code: Postal code of licensor
Country: Country of licensor
Telephone Type 1: Type of licensor telephone number
Telephone 1: Licensor telephone number
Telephone Type 2: Type of licensor telephone number
Telephone 2: Licensor telephone number
Email: Email address of licensor
URL: Licensor Web URL
Notes: Supplimental information for licensor
Image Suppliers: Supplier(s) of this image, not necessarily the owner or creator
Name: Name of image supplier
ID: PLUS-ID identifying image supplier
Supplier Image ID: Optional identifier assigned by the Image Supplier to the image
Registry IDs: Registration of this photo with a registry
Item ID: Unique ID created by a registry
Organization ID: ID of the registry that issued the item ID
Digital Image GUID: Globally unique identifier for the item, created and applied by the creator of the item at the time of its creation
Plus Version: The version number of the PLUS standards in place at the time of the transaction